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Two short films on genomics – free to stream
Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2014-08-12
Australian screenings of Stem Cell Revolutions spark students’ imagination
Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2013-11-21
Series of screenings in Australia
Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2013-10-18
More screenings to celebrate the Nobel Prize
Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2012-11-29
Nobel Prize for stem cell scientists Shinya Yamanaka and John Gurdon (both in the film)
Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2012-10-08
Review: “fascinating…provocative…elegant and deeply instructive” Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2012-09-11
40% off educational download
Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2012-09-10
Review: “approachable, entertaining, easy to follow”
Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2012-08-10
Now also out on DVD
Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2012-08-10
Review: “A must-see for anyone who wants to learn about stem cell biology”
Source: Stem Cell RevolutionsPublished on 2012-07-11

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